What is a TSA lock
Many people have no idea what TSA locks are, even though probably most of them have these locks on their luggage suitcases. So, let’s learn more about them and the benefits they can offer you. Being a locksmith company with almost four decades of experience, Sure Lock & Key knows everything about all kinds of locks and we want to share our knowledge with you.
So, TSA is a short form for Transportation Security Administration which is a government agency in the United States that specializes in airport security. TSA-approved luggage locks are supposed to have a Travel Sentry logo on them. These locks can be opened by airport security, as they have a master key for them. Any other regular luggage lock will be cut or broken if they need to examine your luggage.
So, these locks not only protect your belongings but also meet all the official security standards.
Are TSA-approved luggage locks worth it
- First, they’re one of the best ways to secure the belongings stored in your luggage. You won’t have to worry about someone stealing the assets from your luggage. They’ll give you peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your vacation.
- TSA locks for luggage adhere to all the travel rules. They are approved by Transportation Security Administration. As you know, airport security can search your bag if they have any suspicions. If you use a regular padlock on your luggage, they have all the rights to cut it to get access. However, with a TSA-approved lock, you won’t have to worry about it, as it is equipped with a master key system.
- You can choose between various options. If you prefer traditional locks, you may purchase a TSA lock with a key. However, if you don’t want to carry a key around, consider getting one with a dial.