What is a slim jim tool
Many car owners have accidentally locked their keys inside the car and couldn’t get in. That is definitely not the nicest experience and most people have no idea how to act in that situation. Usually, they just start panicking or try to unlock the door using brutal force. Some would break a window, which is not the worst solution, especially if, for example, your dog is locked inside. However, as we all know, it’s only a temporary type of solution. You will have to deal with a lock or window replacement.
Actually, there are many tools you can use to unlock the car door. Today, we want to talk about a slim jim tool and how you can use it. Sure Lock & Key knows everything about this device and we would like to share our knowledge with you.
How to use Slim Jims
Does a slim jim work on all cars
How to make a slim jim tool
Can the slim jim tool damage your car?
Summing up
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