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Safe Fire Ratings Importance

Notes like “UL”, “JIS”, “30 min” for the new safe you’re checking might be not helpful at all if you have no clue what they mean. Let’s make all these safe fire ratings clear so you will be able to choose the safe perfect for you. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is always here to help whenever you need professional advice or safe installation itself!

Car Key Doesn’t Work In The Ignition

What To Do If Your Car Key Doesn’t Work In The Ignition

At least once, every car owner has experienced difficulties when turning the key in the ignition. It may be just a temporary issue, it may be because of the lack of strength you put in, etc. But very often it means that you need professional help. Don’t worry. Ignition issues are pretty common, and here is what you need to know in such a situation!

key on table

What is rekeying and when do you need it

The first place to start when increasing your home’s security is with the most basic of all parts. Your door locks. That is, making sure all of your door locks are completely functional, the way they were meant to be. If you find they can’t be brought up to that level, the next step is to change your locks. The next question is who to use for the job? There are many locksmith services and you need to know which to choose. You also need to know what the options are. Well, the options in almost all scenarios is Rekeying or Lock Replacing. So you ask, what is rekeying and lock replacing? What is the difference between these two services? Our work ethic at <a href="/">Sure Lock &amp; Key</a> is to always inform our clients of their options and what that exactly entails. This will afford you the ability to understand and then make the best educated decisions, as quickly as possible!

Men with cool car

Where can I get car key replacement

A car key is a perfect object to get lost, but keys can also break or in rare situations even be objects of theft. So, if any of the above occurs, no worries, there are so many easy and affordable solutions. Car key replacement is a big part of the Locksmith industry today which means this service is highly developed with many options. Being one of the leaders in the marketplace, <a href="/">Sure Lock &amp; Key</a>, would like to help you become aware of all car key replacement options, so that losing the use of a key, for any reason, is not a concern or fear, anymore… Keep reading!

new locks for doors

How To Change Locks On The New House Doors

Just moved to a new house? Thinking about the need of changing door locks? <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a>, as always, want to be useful and helpful, so our highly qualified technicians will share professional information about moving tips with you in this blog post. Keep reading! There are lots of things on your to-do list when you are moving to a new house: unpacking, having a housewarming, buying a new “welcome home” carpet, and, of course, changing old locks. Security should be a number one priority for everybody while moving to a new house. So, you definitely should gather more information from locksmiths about what you must do after moving to a new house.

enter into office

What Is A Commercial Locksmith

If you recently became a business owner, then you need to learn who a commercial locksmith is, and how this person can help you. Or maybe you have just decided to start a business, then it won’t harm to learn a little bit more about commercial locksmiths and the benefits they can give you. We in <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> want to answer your questions about this type of locksmiths to help you make up your mind, so you will be able to choose the right one for your business.

Wooden house in a hands

How Can A Locksmith Verify Ownership

Locksmith specialization is a sphere of great responsibility. Being a person that can easily open any lock, a locksmith has to be especially attentive and careful. Naturally, no locksmith wants to be a tool in the hands of someone who wants to get inside the building they don’t own. So, the rule “Measure twice, cut once” is super relevant for us. Ownership verifying is one important step <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> takes every time we embark on a new case. Here’s what we do and what you should know before calling a professional locksmith.

face recognition

Face recognition door lock - how it works

In the last few years, the field of innovative home technology has developed by leaps and bounds. As a result, many new products can add convenience and security to any home. One group of smart home security devices that are gaining popularity is smart door locks. They have recently received many innovations, with some companies adding facial recognition. You might think that face ID is a standard technology that captures a face and unlocks the door. However, it is more than that. It involves a type of biometric technology that goes beyond detecting human faces on video and audio. This article is designed to help you understand the way the face recognition door lock works and the features it provides you with an accentuation on the upgraded functions.

woman with key and lock

When Do You Need Residential Locksmith Services

Obviously, you’re calling a locksmith if you need a new lock or to open a stubborn door. But do you know that there are lots of not so obvious situations in which you need a locksmith as well? Probably you didn’t even consider them as typical locksmith issues. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is here to help whether you need some services or information!

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