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What is Lock Bumping

Unfortunately, break-ins occur quite often. Criminals come up with many different ways to bypass your security and get inside the house. Usually, they use the front door as their main entry. So, they need to deal with your lock. They use various methods to break your lock, like lock picking, lock bumping, drilling, etc. Today, we’re going to talk more about lock bumping, define what this process is and what are the best ways to prevent it.

Sure Lock & Key prepared for you this article about lock bumping and ways to prevent it. Let’s start!

How do you protect against lock bumping

No one would want to deal with a house break-in. Unfortunately, according to the statistics, about 2.5 million burglaries occur annually in the United States. So, providing your house with proper security measures to minimize the risks of a break-in might be a wise decision.
As we have already mentioned, one of the most common methods criminals use to get inside the house is lock bumping. So, what is it? Basically, lock bumping is one of the most common lock-picking techniques. The method is mostly applied to cylinder locks with a pin-tumbler mechanism. For that purpose, criminals use bump keys or so-called 999 keys. They insert this key inside your lock and use some other tool to bump it.
Now, let’s discuss something more important. What can you do to prevent lock bumping?
  • First of all, you can get a bump-proof lock (sometimes also called an anti bump lock). These locks are more durable than regular ones. They’re usually composed of solid, sturdy materials and are equipped with an extra set of tumblers, making them resistant to picking and bumping.
thief break in house

  • Another great way to prevent lock bumping is temporary lock guards. They can be installed on your lock, so the criminal won’t be able to operate it. However, they have one significant disadvantage. They can’t be opened even from the outside.
  • If you love dogs, you may get a guard dog for your house. It may scare off the criminals, so they won’t even try to get inside. There is an option for those who can’t get a dog. You can purchase a fake “dog”. The system is equipped with a motion sensor and a speaker. Once someone is spotted near your door or window, the speaker starts to bark.
  • Consider using professional security services to install a security system. Usually, it contains security cameras, alarms and motion detectors. Cameras are considered to be one of the strongest crime deterrents, so most criminals won’t even bother trying to break into your house. Also, this system can be connected to your phone, so it’ll notify you whenever it detects any suspicious activity.
thief break in house

What is the lock bumping technique

Lock bumping is a technique that locksmiths have used to unlock doors for many years, but unfortunately, today, the information got into the wrong hands. Today, anyone can purchase a bump key and find the information on the internet on how to bypass a lock.
So, how exactly does lock bumping work? There are a few tricks that can make this process easier. First of all, you'll need to buy a bump key. It usually costs about 3 dollars. There are various options to choose from, depending on the number of pins you have to deal with. These keys can be shaved down to the full depth of the keyway, allowing you to jolt the pins into place when you're hitting it.
Basically, all you have to do is put the key all the way through your lock. Then you may use a screwdriver or a bump hammer. You'll need to strike your key with that tool and slightly turn it. It might take a few times before you'll be able to open the lock.

Does lock bumping damage locks

A break-in is already an extremely stressful experience and dealing with the consequences of it only adds to it. Many people are curious if after the lock bump your lock remains in the same condition. Do lock bumping and lock picking cause any damage to your locks? Well, technically, lock bumping was originally a technique used by professional locksmiths. It was created to help in case of a lockout. When performed properly, it will not damage your lock from the inside, but it might leave some marks from the outside.
lock bumping
However, not all criminals are as advanced as professional technicians. Additionally, someone who’s determined to rob you probably won’t care much about your lock condition. So, they might put too much pressure on the bump key, which may lead to damage to the lock. So, if that unfortunately happens, you might need a locksmith to replace the lock cylinder or any other components.
Even if your lock was not damaged, you might still consider replacing it. For example, you may use a smart lock instead. They’re quite popular today. First of all, they provide keyless entry, so they can’t be picked or bumped. Second, they are connected to your smartphone, so you can always monitor your entry point. If you forget to lock the door, you can do it remotely and you’ll be notified any time someone tries to mess with your lock.

lock bumping

Summing up

So, we defined that originally lock bumping was a technique used only by professional locksmiths to unlock different kinds of doors. Unfortunately, today, it became one of the most common methods of breaking into the house. However, there are some measures you can take to prevent it, like bump-proof locks or security systems. Sure Lock & Key will gladly help you with advice and the installation if needed. Just give us a call.

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