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Home Security For Older People

We all want our home to be an impregnable castle. However, this goal may be harder to reach for the elderly. Older people may see the world as it was when they were young. They might not be aware of all the modern security possibilities. As many seniors live alone, they might become easy victims of burglars. That’s why it is essential to help them with home safety. Unfortunately, a break-in occurs every 26 seconds in the US. Moreover, homes with no security measures are five times more likely to become targets of criminals.

Sure Lock & Key, provides locksmith and security services, coast to coast, for more than 35 years. We have become very well versed in matters that pertain to making buildings safe and secure and have constantly developed our skills while helping thousands of customers. We would like to provide you with tips in order to best help those who are elderly in your life. The goal is to protect their homes against criminals and theft. Let’s take a quick look.

Why May Burglars Choose Homes Of Older People

It won’t come as a surprise if we say that burglars prefer easy targets. Why would thieves deliberately challenge themselves by choosing homes that will be tough to crack? They obviously won’t. Homes without basic protection are attractive to them. Homes that seemingly present no resistance issues are jackpots for the professional criminal. That’s why senior citizens are more at risk if their homes aren’t secure enough.
house with lights
Sometimes burglars wait until your residence is empty, so they can do whatever they want. Leaving your home unprotected while going away on vacation becomes a risk. Returning home to find someone has intruded on your property is scary enough but it is not even the worst scenario. Beyond losing your precious assets, you could return to people still inside your property. A person could get hurt if they are surprised which in turn causes them to panic. That’s why protection is so important. That’s also why helping your older, close ones, by turning their homes from just homes into guarded castles is the objective. At least as much as possible. This is certainly one of the most kind, charitable and intelligent decisions you could make for them.

house with lights

What To Pay Attention To

A front door says a lot about home security. In 72% of burglaries, the criminal will enter through the front door. That’s why you need to pay attention to the door and door lock. The best way to ensure the door's security is to install double-key deadbolts. However, no matter how good the lock is, it won’t help if the door isn’t reliable. One cannot forget to reinforce and upgrade doors and windows. If your older loved ones have a glass front door, you should stick a security film to prevent it from being broken. Also, you may hang net curtains on the windows and glass doors to make it impossible to see inside from the street.

Smart Security Devices

Usually, we recommend people develop a habit of checking the door upon leaving. However, sometimes this suggestion is rather pointless. Many seniors may experience trouble with remembering. If an older person you want to help is suffering from forgetfulness, it may be more convenient and practical to install smart locks to get a chance to lock doors and windows via the app wherever they or you are. Even if a burglar tries to break into the home of your older loved one, the smart lock will send you and the local police an alert.
If you are interested in how to install a smart lock? Sure Lock & Key will be glad to help you! Our highly skilled locksmiths change locks that increase people’s security, day in and day out.
keys in a door lock
Another helpful device is a smart doorbell which is equipped with a camera. It allows people to see who is on the other side of the door via an app. Or you may go further and install a full basic or cutting edge home security alarm system.
Sometimes, people don’t install home security systems for their older relatives because teaching technology to seniors can be too challenging. Although today’s modern devices and apps are created to be as easy and intuitive as possible. Another good advantage is that you will be able to keep an eye on what is going on around the house, inside and outside.

keys in a door lock

Get A Dog Or A Fake One

This tip is one of the best pieces of advice that can be given regarding burglary prevention. By getting a dog for your senior relative or loved one, who lives alone, you’re not only substantially enhancing their security, you're also getting them a companion. A dog is an “alert” system as well as being a great tool of protection from possible intrusion. In a situation in which having a dog is not practical or possible you can get them a dog alarm. It is a simple device equipped with a motion sensor, which starts “barking” when someone is walking near the house. Just make sure that the barking sounds are professionally done so they sound realistic. There are units that provide the realistic sounds a “dog” makes when moving around the house.

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Summing Up

A sense of safety and peace of mind are incredibly precious today, especially for those who seriously need their rest. Going for security services to make the home of your loved ones safe is a decision that will pay for itself for hopefully a very long time. However, for many, making an older person's home secure is not that simple. This process requires cooperation and careful planning. Please, don’t make all the decisions by yourself. Let the person choose what they believe will be the best and most comfortable for them. Sure Lock & Key is always ready and happy to help no matter what security or locksmith service you need. This is what we do!

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