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How Much Does It Cost To Get A New Car Key

Price is always an essential factor in choosing one company over another. In the Locksmith industry, costs are generally standard, however with many specific exceptions. Locksmith prices depend on many different factors, so the price will be different for each type of service. With all this being said we, at Sure Lock & Key believe that the price must be fairly set, in all circumstances and that clients should understand what really affects the cost of a particular service. This is true especially regarding the most popular client service cost request, which is car key replacement costs.

Let’s Talk About Car Keys

two car keys on table
Car keys have become sophisticated devices in the last few years. As a result, car key replacement isn’t simple anymore. Today, many cars have proximity keys. This type of key allows you to open your vehicle by touching the door handle and start the car without having to insert the key blade into the ignition. Another common device is a transponder key, a key equipped with a special chip, to prevent invasion or theft. Many modern car keys don’t even look like the keys we’re accustomed to. Each car is unique and requires an individual approach, specific knowledge, experience, and appropriate tools. So, now you can, more clearly, understand the difficulty in answering the question of, how much does it cost to get a key made for your car? Nevertheless, let's try to figure it out!

two car keys on table

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How Much Does It Cost To Get A Car Key Made Without An Original One

happy woman with new car keys
If you don’t have the original key, you can still get a new car key replacement. However, only a skilled locksmith will be able to make and program a new one. You will also need to provide the technician with information pertaining to your car’s make, year, and model.
So back to the original question “How much does it cost to make a car key when you don’t have an original one?” The answer depends on all the variables listed above as well as how much information you have regarding your car that is available to you. If you have all the necessary information then it will not take a long time for the key to be programmed and you’ll be ready to go. However, if the information is not available it will obviously take longer and since time is money, as they say, and it applies in this situation, time is certainly a cost element that is best to avoid. Meaning the longer the process the larger the cost. Hopefully, the cost will be much less because you will have all the information readily available.

happy woman with new car keys

How To Save Money On Car Key Replacement

As you can see, a new car key-making process can cost a lot. Still, there’s something you can do to spend less. Let's look at all the options.

  • You can call your dealer to get a new car key, but usually, their services are more expensive than hiring a locksmith. So, it’s more economical to call a locksmith.
  • You should find a local locksmith so you won’t overpay for additional costs.
  • As we mentioned above, you should prepare your car’s make, model, year, and other details to save time on key cutting.
  • And last but not least, you can make a spare car key now and avoid repeating the same frustrating and expensive trouble in the future.
Sure Lock & Key will gladly help you, just give us a call and we will be by your door, very quickly!

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