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Where is the best place to put a home security camera

Installing home security cameras is one of the most important decisions you may make for security. Where to install a camera outside the house? Front, back, and side doors, inside or outside, in the yard or the garage? Are they necessary inside? Being a professional locksmith company that has been providing security services for more than three decades, we're more than happy to assist you with choosing the best spots for your home cameras.

Imagine you're a burglar – are you the one who breaks down the front door or hides behind the trees in the yard to enter through the garage door at the right time? In both cases, homeowners would quickly detect if they had cameras installed in the right places. So, what are the “right places" to install your security cameras?

Front, back, and side doors

Many burglars enter the house through the outer door. Therefore, the first level of defense should be a security camera near or above the front door. It will record the thief trying to unlock the front door. The camera will help you detect the thief, take security measures, or call the police.

Off-street windows

Ground-floor windows might become easy prey for burglars. Breaking a window is even easier than breaking the front door. Experienced burglars usually choose windows that do not face the street. Therefore, you should pay special attention to them. However, it is quite common to unlock any window that the intruder decides to unlock at night. Installing a security camera above them will help prevent possible intruders.

Garage and driveways

Surveillance camera at the garage door
A burglar may approach your home through the driveway or garage door. A security camera positioned to view this area is important because it will help you detect the burglar before they approach the house.
Thieves are used to the fact that, in most cases, security cameras are installed only in front of the house, so they probably will think that there isn't a camera in the driveway or garage.
Also, if you store expensive property in your garage, you should install a camera inside. Your car's protection is worth the cost. So, it probably would be a good decision to prevent a large financial loss by installing another camera.

Surveillance camera at the garage door

Main stairs or hallway

It is necessary to install cameras in the main passages inside the house. It will help to capture the burglar even if they manage to go unnoticed by external cameras. A camera in the hallway or near the stairs will detect the thief even if they enter the house through a bedroom or bathroom, where people usually keep their privacy.

Common areas

For added security, you may install cameras in common areas, like the kitchen or living room. These are rooms intruders enter as soon as they enter the house. The camera will be a reinforcement of the previous security measures.


Landscaping can be a good hiding place for intruders, including your favorite shrubs in your yard. Cameras in the front and backyard are essential for feeling safe at home and in the yard.
Outdoor security cameras are also useful for watching children or animals walk around while you do housework. Your safety, peace of mind, and comfort are paramount.

Summing Up

As you can see, installing security cameras in the right places may help you feel completely safe in your home and yard. If you are a homeowner, Sure Lock & Key will gladly assist you in installing cameras exactly where you need them most.

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