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What is a lock pick gun

Have you ever wondered how locksmiths unlock doors without the exact key? If you're a person who is always interested in the process as well as the result, you have probably thought about it at least once. What special tools do they have?

Today, we decided to focus on a lock pick gun ‒ a locksmithing item that may be used to pick a lock and open the doors. What is it? How does it work? Do criminals use these devices to unlock the door? Should I worry?

Sure Lock & Key has a long-lasting experience in locksmithing and security and we definitely have your desired answers to these questions. We shared them below and welcome you to check them.

How do lock pick guns work

Before answering this question, it's good to know what a lock pick gun is. Basically, it's a device with almost a century-old history that uses a trigger mechanism to pick a lock and open the door. The working principle of this item is simple. A person slips it in the lock and moves the driver pins upwards while snapping.
lock pick gun lock
Although there are different lock pick gun types, here we'll focus on a manual one. It consists of a gun-like body and individual picks nozzles. Interesting fact – you can't unlock the door with only a lock pick gun as it requires one more tool called a tension wrench. How do they work together? The lock pick gun is inserted in the keyway simultaneously with a tension wrench. Then a person has to apply some pressure with torsion to a wrench. The next step is to push the gun trigger rapidly, making the key and driver pins move above the shear line so that a person can turn the cylinder and open the lock. It's advisable to be patient and try again from different angles if it doesn't work.

lock pick gun lock

What are the different types of lock pick guns

Like a lock-picking device, a gun may be rather manual or electric. The manual uses a hand-operated trigger, while the electric one has a motor similar to those used in electric toothbrushes. The great advantage of this option is that you don't have to squeeze the trigger by hand, as you can press the button, so it operates the picking needle by itself. Once you activate the electric lock pick gun, the nozzle starts vibrating, applying pressure to the key pins inside the lock so that they become aligned with driver pins to the shear line. This way, a lock may be open. If a manual gun is used, a person has to press the trigger over and over again by hand, trying to move the pins.

How to use a lock pick gun

This tool was invented in the early 20th century for police officers and locksmiths to unlock the door easily. Now, this is mostly a locksmith instrument. When do these technicians use it? In most cases, when a person is locked out of the house with no keys around.
lock pick gun
If you think anyone can pick a random lock in just three trigger squeezes, the following information can make you doubt, as the lock pick gun requires special knowledge and skills, usually possessed by locksmiths. Otherwise, when performed by an amateur, this tool can damage the lock inside, possibly leading to its total replacement. The thing is not only in inserting a pick into the lock and simultaneously pushing all the pins inside above. A professional locksmith can choose the right nozzle and know what difficulties may happen and what to do in that situation. That's why inserting the right needle usually is not enough. If you find yourself locked out with no keys, make sure you call a mobile locksmith to avoid potential complications.

lock pick gun

Do thieves use lock pick guns

Reading all the above, a quite logical question may come to mind, “What if thieves may easily use these devices to enter my house?” Or “What if the ex-locksmith may become a criminal and use their knowledge? Should I worry?” First, the lock pick guns are illegal in several states ‒ for example, in Mississippi, Ohio, Virginia and Nevada. You will be “guilty” by just owning them. Only police officers and locksmiths may have access to them. Concerning other cases, thieves mostly don't use those instruments. They are not well-versed in lock picking and its tools. Second, most burglaries don't require lock picking as there are more effective ways to commit the crime. Thieves usually observe kicking down the door as more efficient or just use other entrance methods. Last but not least, the lock pick guns are very hard to hide, so rarely will anyone risk being noticed with them around the door.

Summing up

Likely, there are no problems that cannot be solved and lock pick guns are proof of it. Have you lost a key? A locksmith in “shining armor” will come to save your day. They have a wide range of instruments that will fix almost any Locksmith or Security problem.

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