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Vital Advice for Business Owners to Avoid Lockouts

Let's say it's a busy Monday morning, and your business is ready to open. Suddenly, you find yourself locked out, with the clock ticking and your schedule falling apart. Unexpected issues can disrupt your business and cost you time and money. That's why lockout prevention is crucial for any business owner. Have you ever wondered how to avoid that stressful scenario?

In this blog, Sure Lock & Key will share practical tips and strategies so you never get caught up. From regular maintenance to smart backup plans, we've got you covered. Let's get into it and keep your business secure and running smoothly!

Keep spare keys handy

hidden spare key
The easiest way to prevent lockouts is to have a spare set of keys. Imagine a situation where you have lost your keys, and there is no one inside to open the door for you - then either a professional locksmith can save you by opening your door, or you can use spare keys. For convenience, you can even make several duplicates for different occasions and store them in different places, for example, at home, in the car, in a bank safe, and in other places. Also, if you have employees who can be trusted with spare keys, you can give them a duplicate. If you forget or lose your keys and business lockout, you will know that one of your employees can back you up and open the door.

hidden spare key

Use Keyless Entry Systems

smart lock
A good idea to avoid lockouts is to stop using physical keys altogether. Advanced lock systems do not require physical keys, making them incredibly convenient for commercial buildings. Imagine never having to worry about losing a key or fumbling around in your pockets while trying to unlock the door – that’s the beauty of smart locks for business security.
With these systems, you can grant access remotely, track who enters and exits, and easily revoke permissions if needed. Plus, smart locks often integrate with existing security systems for added protection.
Switching to keyless entry systems not only reduces lockout risks but also enhances overall security and convenience.

smart lock

Upgrade to Master Key System

Let's talk about your current lock setup. Do you have a pile of keys, each labeled and color-coded for different doors and locks? It can be a real hassle to manage all of them. Moreover, this approach poses a security risk if one of those keys gets lost. Now, imagine the convenience of having one key that opens every door in your building while still allowing you to control who can access specific areas. The master key system isn't just about convenience but smart security management.
It is particularly useful for businesses with multiple access points, like offices, storage rooms, and restricted areas.

Proactive Replacement

When it comes to business security, commercial lock replacement is a crucial step that often gets overlooked. Instead of waiting for locks to fail, consider proactive replacement to stay ahead of potential issues.
Unfortunately, all mechanisms wear out over time, compromising your overall security. Regularly updating them ensures you’re always using the latest technology and maintaining the highest level of protection. For instance, if you notice any signs of wear and tear, like difficulty turning the key or a loose lock mechanism, it clearly indicates that a replacement is due.
Commercial lock replacement is also essential after certain events, such as employee turnover or a security breach. Ensuring that old keys no longer provide access is vital for maintaining control over your property.

Use a key finder

Another useful tool that can help you avoid getting locked out is a key finder. This electronic device tracks the location of your keys using radio frequencies or a Bluetooth connection. For convenience, you can attach this device to your keychain and use your phone to see the location of your keys. It will help reduce the risk of losing your keys and automatically reduce your stress level.

Use an employee directory

Another tip for business owners is to create an employee directory. In it, you can find all contact information about all employees. Imagine you are locked out of your office and don't know who to call. Before you go to the locksmith, call a colleague with the same key.
In this situation, if you don't have all your colleagues' phone numbers in your phone, you can find them in the employee directory.

Call a professional locksmith

Doctors often say that self-medication can be harmful. It's the same with doors. The best advice from a locksmith is not to try to open a locked door yourself. It requires professional knowledge and skills. The best thing you can do is to contact a professional locksmith to help you solve this problem.

Summing up

In general, it is important to remember that almost any problem can be solved. Even considering these rules, everyone can find themselves in a situation where they are locked in or locked out of their office. However, a professional locksmith will always be able to help you at any time. Sure, Lock & Key has been providing locksmith and security services for over 35 years so that any locksmith problems that may arise can be solved. Call us today for professional service.

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