Touch-free door opener & Automatic Door
All of us probably see and use automatic doors every day. You just come close to the door and it opens. However, have you ever wondered how it works? This door has many sensors and mechanisms, but the main system that operates it is an automatic door opener. This type of door is used in most public spaces, like shopping malls, airports, stores, hospitals, etc. They are easily accessible, so it makes it super convenient to enter the building even if your hands are full. Automatic doors provide hygiene control as you don’t have to touch door handles that have millions of germs and bacteria.
Another great tool that provides that is a touch-free door opener. These devices became extremely popular after the COVID-19 outbreak.
Sure Lock & Key is ready to tell you everything about the working principles of both systems and assist you in deciding if they’re suitable for you. Let’s dive in!
What is a no-touch door opener used for
- Convenience and accessibility. With these doors, you can freely enter the building even if you’re carrying luggage in both hands. These doors are really convenient for disabled people, as they can easily use them without additional help.
- Hygiene control. These doors provide hands-free entry, so you avoid touching dirty knobs and handles. They are perfect for hospitals or food factories where sanitation is essential.
- Energy saving and temperature control. These doors automatically close when the person enters. So, there’s no chance someone leaves them wide open and lets the heat or cold inside.
How do you use a hands-free door opener
What is a Klenkey
What is an EDC door opener
Summing up
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