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How To Protect Your Business From Theft

Being robbed is a terrible experience but when there is a break-in that leads into the robbery, the breach of your privacy leaves you traumatized beyond the theft itself. This of course does not lessen the pain and frustration from the loss of equipment, merchandise, cash and of course let's not forget the time and cost in replacing and/or fixing anything the burglars damaged or destroyed. That's why it is so essential to protect your property and minimize crime risk in the first place. Sure Lock & Key specializes in all security-related services and have been assisting with business protection for over 35 years. We have for you some extremely easy yet really efficient tips on how to keep your business facility secure. Just keep reading if you wish.

Business: Safe, Safer, The Safest

In the perfect world, every business owner starts their enterprise with assembling a protection and security strategy. That's how you make and keep all of your efforts, investments, and dreams safe. The problem arises from the fact that some security tasks can get lost or put aside, among all the deals and other priorities a person has to manage. As a result, the things that can guarantee safety are simply and perpetually sidelined until a later time. When the time arises to confront the issue and it almost always does, it would be wise to start your “facilities security strategy” with estimating all the security aspects. This includes all your facility's functions and features. You should also know and remember that you must include all parts into your plan because if something is initially left out it can become uncomfortably complicated to put it in within the needs of the system that you are in the middle of installing. It can cause much frustration and excess cost. There are a lot of variables to consider when attempting to create this by yourself. So if you find you need advice regarding more difficult issues of your plan please give us a call. We will be happy to assist and should the time arrive in which you surmise that it is just too time consuming for you to do inhouse or by yourself, then please give us a call and we will compile a full security strategy plan and then bring it to fruition quickly and professionally.
You can use this guide or give us a call for on-site assistance.

Start With Your Locks

instalation exterior security camera
Whether you purchased your place of business or you rented, it may be the best decision to change all the locks , as soon as possible. Especially the locks of all entrances from the outside into your building. If possible the direct entrances into your offices from within the building as well. You never can know how many people might have those keys, from the past and the present. Also, keeping track of keys is always a big hassle and it is also among a company's top security priorities. Keys get lost, misplaced or sometimes people quit jobs, and forget to give their keys back. So, if you are not aware of the different options you have regarding keys, allow us to show you.

Installing smart locks for business is a great idea and investment. They are used by many businesses because they increase your business facility safety and they have many useful options. Probably the best among them is providing you with the information about who and when a door is locked and opened. What is essential to know is that you don't have to put them on every door, some of your classical locks can still serve you faithfully. Protecting the most important entry and exit points should be enough. If there are still many keys on your set after getting smart locks, you can consider getting yourself a Master key system.
instalation exterior security camera

Need more information?

CCTV Cameras For Business Purposes

Today, there's nothing special about surveillance cameras in public spaces. We have become accustomed to them.
Like any other security measurement, this one should be done right so that you can get all the benefits. Before installing cameras, you will need to take the time to properly examine where the best spots are for placing them. When trying to get the highest level of security, you should fight the temptation of getting as many cameras as possible and putting them hastily in every corner. That's definitely not how professionals secure facilities. The point is to find the best places to cover the whole building with the minimum quantity of cameras, so checking them would be easy.
Some business owners divide their buildings into customer and employee spaces and get surveillance cameras for only one of them. Usually, it's the workers' space. However, it's always more convenient and practical to get cameras for both.
Some may use fake security cameras, but they are rather easy to expose from short distances, which would cause them to become either useless or even detrimental.

Alarm Systems For Business

Alarm systems are great in keeping intruders away from your facility. Even the slightest manipulation with the lock or door will let the whole world know that someone is trying to break in. Alarm systems work even better together with signs about their presence.

Safes For Business

monitoring with security system
A safe is an incredible invention. It probably is the most effective way to protect your most valuable assets. You can place money, documents, and everything you consider precious into it and you will feel a lot calmer. However, not all safes are created equal. There are lots of different types of safes which is very important to know when searching for one. The best part of having a safe is not only protecting your most valuable assets from theft but also from accidents like fire or flood, which is an essential function.

monitoring with security system


Above we described the basic principles of making businesses secure. By applying them, you can drastically minimize the possibility of theft. However, the world has changed a bit during the last few decades. Today, criminals are not only after your goods or money but also after your data. That's why it's crucial to protect your employees' and customers' personal information. Some quick tips would include using secure cloud storage for business, as well as investing in a professionally made website, and, of course, lets not forget about commercial property insurance. Sure Lock & Key, in turn, will be happy to assist you with everything we can in the areas of physical security! Just give us a call.

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5 Security Tips For Your Business

Everyone wants to be secure, and when it comes to the security of the company it should be one of the most important tasks. Having a sense of control and safety over your office, you can focus on other important things. If you want to feel safe, you should be aware of the methods for securing your business that are really working. Sure Lock & Key always wants to help you with finding useful information! We have already figured out how you can maximize the safety of your home, so today we put all details about office security together for you in this blog post! Let’s figure out some easy tips you can use to improve your business’s security! You should always start with asking yourself a question: “Is my business vulnerable?” If you answer “yes” and think that your business is an attractive target for thieves, you definitely should consider improving your office’s security.