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Different types of access control systems

Without any doubt, security is a top priority for any enterprise or organization. Thankfully, today, there are a variety of security devices on the market that can be used for that purpose. Besides surveillance cameras and alarms, there's another extremely effective measure. Any business has certain areas in their buildings that have to be restricted. To achieve that, you may equip your office with an access control system. It'll allow you to grant access only to authorized personnel.

There are so many types of access control systems with different protocols you can choose from. Sure Lock & Key has been working in the security industry for years and we want to share our knowledge about these systems with you.

What is an access control system

access control system
First of all, let's talk in more detail about what an access control system is and what it can offer you. As you can guess from the name, this type of security system gives the owner the possibility to fully control who and when accesses the building.
These systems can be operated with cards and fobs or they might require a password or biometric identification to be activated. With access control systems, you won't have to worry about keeping track of keys and you can easily add and delete users. Moreover, these systems have the function of recording access history, which enables you to monitor who and when enters your building. It allows you to eliminate various security risks.

If you're planning to equip your building with this system, don't hesitate to use professional security services.
access control system

Role-based access control

We've already mentioned ways access control systems can be operated, but there's another classification that can be applied to them. There are at least three different models these systems can be based on.
The first model we want to discuss today is the role-based one. Basically, when using this model, a business owner can grant access to the employees based on their position. Typically, people that work in management positions have more privileges than some other workers. With this type of access control model, you can easily organize the working processes without worrying that someone unauthorized will gain access to your property and data.

Mandatory access control

The second model that is widely used for businesses and organizations is mandatory access control. This model is not as flexible as the previous one and it is mostly applied to organizations that require a high level of security and strict control, like different governmental institutions, for example.
The main principle of mandatory access control is that only one person is responsible for defining who can access which areas and only that person can grant permissions.

Discretionary access control

The last model we will discuss today is discretionary access control. On the one hand, this type of access model offers much more flexibility. On the other hand, it might lack in terms of security. With discretionary access control, all users have the possibility to change permissions. This type of access system is only suitable for small companies where the owner fully trusts the employees.

Summing up

Choosing an access control system might not be the easiest task, as there are many factors to consider. Depending on the type of your business, size and the level of security needed, you can decide between various models of access control. If you require more flexibility, consider the discretionary model and on the other hand, if you need strict control, mandatory access control is or you. Another great alternative is a role-based model that combines both.
If you need assistance with the installation of any of those, Sure Lock & Key will gladly help.

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