Tesla Car Key Replacement
People tend to underestimate car key replacement until they find themselves in a situation where you need to get help to be able to open and use your car. Someone believes that technical progress can protect them against different unpleasant accidents such as car key issues. On the contrary, the more technically advanced your car key, the more trouble its replacement can cause. Unfortunately, all car keys are exposed to damages of different kinds. Moreover, all car keys are exposed to thefts. That’s when you can’t do without professional services. So, let’s figure out what is there to know to get replacement car keys for your car. Sure Lock & Key is here to help you whether you need information or a new key!
Being a highly modern and exceptionally innovative car, Tesla has key types and an entry system that seriously differs from other cars. An old-school mechanical key evolved into key fobs and card keys with lots of functions that ease owners’ lives. You can open and lock your car when your hands are full of packages without even using a handle. Just step near the vehicle and voila, the door is opened. Also, as you can see, to be able to provide you with such a key a locksmith has to be skilled and trained. And to find a suitable one can take some time since such keys became our routine only recently. However, Sure Lock & Key can help you with all Tesla keys for all Tesla models, including Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model X, Tesla Model Y, etc.
Tesla Car Key Replacement Services
Emergency Services
How To Get A Car Key Replacement
- Make, model, and year of your car
- Your exact location (street address and zip code)
- VIN number of your car
- Type of the key you need (transponder key or key fob)
- Please be ready to provide proof of car ownership