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The Best Possible Safe

When buying a safe, like anything else, we want to get the maximum deal. Safes can be quite complicated. It may be hard to find a safe that can cover all your needs simply because the slightest detail might change the entire choice of a particular safe. Let's just say that a perfect safe for your friend’s needs may be totally useless for yours. Another obstacle is that there are so many safes on the market today that you will need to spend a lot of time understanding their advantages, disadvantages, functions, features, etc. That’s why we prepared a guide to help you find the best safe for your present needs. Sure Lock & Key is happy to help by making your complex decisions easier! If you have the time, keep reading and we will try our hardest to reach the answers you seek!

Choose The Type Of Lock You Want

Today, we have three main safe lock types which have proved their sustainability and security. Let’s check each of them in detail so that you can make your mind up.
The first of them is a traditional mechanical lock. It’s an excellent, old, time-tested technology. No wonder most people keep using it. Choosing this type of lock, you won’t need to worry about humidity, worn-out batteries, or temperature, but these safes have some disadvantages as well. The first one is that you will have to keep track of keys. If there are many people with access, you will need many keys, which may decrease the general security level. You will also need a hiding place for spare keys or a convenient and safe method of carrying them around.
safe with a keypad
Next option. You can purchase a safe with an electronic lock. In this case, you escape all the problems physical keys can cause you. No need to hide them, no need to keep track and you avoid the hassle of getting them back when the person is not allowed to have access to all or any specific lock, anymore. You will have a couple of codes you can provide people with.
Now, let’s talk about the disadvantages. You have to be careful about where you install this safe. A room with high humidity, or a temperature setting too low or too high may be a bad idea. Also, a good piece of advice would be to avoid safes where you can only change the dead batteries from the inside.

The fingerprint safe lock has all the same advantages as an electronic one, plus you don’t even need to remember codes. However, the disadvantages are unfortunately the same as well. Additionally there are some problems that may occur with fingerprint readers. Another very important point of caution, one should invest in one that is of a higher quality so you won’t experience difficulties with unlocking.
safe with a keypad

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What Is Better: A Small Safe Or A Big Safe

Usually, people choose small safes for different reasons. First of all, it costs less. Additionally, it is harder to spot and easier to hide, etc. However, as a rule, they run out of space very quickly. You should remember that the door and walls are thick, so they eat a significant amount of space inside the safe. If it is to be used only as a safe for money and nothing more, this would be a correct need to purchase a small safe. If you intend to hide jewelry in the box, some documents, or any bulky precious items, it may be wiser to choose at least a medium-sized safe.

A Portable Safe And Security Box

safe with a jewelry
What some people call a portable safe is actually a security box. You can use it for storing things in different places each time you choose to use it or keep it in a constant place or you can switch whenever you need. However, if a thief wants to take it he can just simply walk away with it in a bag or wrapped in a coat, etc. Therefore it may not be the best idea to use it as your home safe. To provide maximum protection, a safe needs to be bolted to the wall or floor. A built-in safe, though not cheap, in the vast majority of needs, may be your best solution.

safe with a jewelry

What Are Fire Ratings

It may come as a surprise but safes protect your assets not only from theft but also from fire. Fire ratings can help you decide which safe is the best and what you can expect by owning one. They can be constructed to withstand different temperatures for different amounts of time. Naturally, the price will vary depending on the rating. The more durable the safe you want, the more money you’ll have to spend.

Cheap Safes VS Expensive Safes

Usually, the price is the main consideration when getting a safe. We deliberately put it at the end, to show you how many details you need to consider beyond the price. Buying a cheap safe is a lottery. It can work correctly but also it can fail often, causing lots of stress. Need should be a first consideration over price. But then again, a cheap safe is better than no safe at all.


A correctly chosen safe may seriously ease your life while a bad one may cause you lots of discomfort and buyers regret. You can always ask for professional assistance in arriving at the right decision. Sure Lock & Key specializes in installing, replacing, and repairing safes for residential and commercial needs so give us a call and we will gladly advise you regarding all issues regarding safes.

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