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How often to rekey a commercial lock

You've probably changed your locks at least once in your life. For example, when you moved to a new place, or someone broke into your home. In situations like that, leaving your old locks decreases the security level. Replacing all your locks might be quite expensive, so you may consider rekeying. It's the process of replacing some pins in the lock and changing the key. This service is a popular option, which is why more people want to know how it works. Probably, the most common question is – how often residential rekeying and commercial rekeying should be performed. Sure Lock & Key is ready to answer this question and provide you with any additional information you require. Also, we provide all kinds of locksmith services, so we'll gladly rekey your locks.

When should you rekey your locks

Many people assume that you need to rekey locks only when something bad happens. For example, when someone breaks into your house or your lock breaks. However, there are at least three other reasons that are important enough for you to rekey your locks:
  • You moved to a new facility: If you move to a new location, security should be your first priority. How much do you know about the previous owners? Can you be sure they won't return at some point to steal something? Rekeying the locks will make you feel much safer and prevent people with the old key from entering your home.
key in doorknob

  • You need to change the old locks: Despite regular maintenance, mechanical locks slowly wear down and can easily break. It will take minutes for a skillful thief to break that kind of lock. So, rekeying is a good idea if you live in an old house and don't want to ruin its authentic appearance.
  • You lost your keys: Most of us have lost our keys at least once. However, you have no way of knowing if they just fell out of your bag or if someone stole them. This puts your property in potential danger of a break-in. However, it doesn't mean you have to replace your locks completely. You can simply rekey them, which is time efficient and not that expensive.
key in doorknob

How often should you rekey

Rekeying the locks will increase security, especially if your business has been the object of burglary in the past or present. In order for rekeying to be effective, it needs to be performed regularly. An optimal interval between the rekeying should be from 6 months to 2 years. The frequency may depend on a number of factors – the value of your goods, whether you have additional security, etc. Sometimes there are situations when you need to rekey locks right away. For example, if someone broke into your property, if an untrustworthy former employee has access or if some other people you don't know somehow get an access key, etc. Let's be honest, it's better to spend some of your time and money to prevent theft than to deal with the unpleasant consequences of a break-in.

Can a locksmith do lock rekeying in a commercial building

Rekeying is a common practice for those who want to protect their business and keep it secure. Of course, you can find a guide about rekeying on the internet and try to do it yourself. This, however, can be time-consuming, especially if you have no previous experience. Also, if you're uncertain that you can do it properly, it's better to entrust rekeying to a professional. If you need to ensure fast and high-quality rekeying, you should call a commercial locksmith. The technician will change the pins inside your lock and provide you with a new key.

Lock change or rekeying: which one should you choose

smart lock on wooden door
We can all agree that protecting your business is extremely important. There are many different methods to secure your property. One of the first things you should consider is how secure your locks are. When people move to a new facility, one of the most common questions probably is – what is better, replacing or rekeying the locks? Both these options are effective in terms of safety. Replacing the locks is a great option if you want to change mechanical locks to digital ones. If you don't want to change the lock type, you should then consider rekeying. You won't have to replace the lock completely. The locksmith will only change some parts inside of it. Also, rekeying service will take less time and resources.

smart lock on wooden door

Summing up

The question of how to rekey a commercial lock is a vital issue for all business owners who care about the security of their companies. To perform this operation, you'll need to hire a professional locksmith. Sure Lock & Key might be an excellent option for your rekeying needs. Each team member is fully trained and skilled in all aspects of locksmithing and security. Whether it's an emergency issue or something you prearranged, just keep in mind that Sure Lock & Key always has your back. Need a rekeying service? Call us!

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